Rehoboth Avenue Repaving Project Begins Sunday Night


The Rehoboth Avenue repaving project is expected to begin this evening – weather permitting. The early focus will be on curbing and concrete work. The concrete work will be done from 9pm to 9am Sunday evening – Friday morning – beginning on median islands at State Road and working east and then on pedestrian connections, working from west to east. Milling and paving is not expected to begin until after the Sea Witch Festival.

The water main replacement project in the first block of Maryland Avenue and the paving project for Maryland and 1st Street is expected to begin October 7. Street parking will be restricted during working hours (8 am-5 pm weekdays) and through traffic may be limited at times; resident access will be maintained.

The last time Rehoboth Avenue was repaved was during the Streetscape project in 2001. 

Project changes and updates will be posted to

