Reaction to President Biden Ending 2024 Campaign for President


On Sunday, President Biden announced that he would end his 2024 campaign for President – and that he would endorse Kamala Harris for President. Reaction is beginning to come in to the news.

From Delaware Minority Leader Mike Ramone

“For more than 50 years, President Biden has given Delaware a national voice and served our country with honor,” said Minority Leader Mike Ramone. “Having known and worked with the Biden family for many years, I have witnessed firsthand his love for Delaware and his commitment to our nation. For his steadfast service to our state and country, and for his deep love for the every man, we thank him.

U.S. Senator Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) released the following statement regarding President Biden:

“Joe Biden has time and again shown our nation the true meaning of a dedicated public servant. Over the last four years – and throughout his decades of prior service – he has delivered on behalf of the American people, working to better the lives of millions, while never forgetting where he came from and who he was fighting for. President Biden has always put our country first, and in making this decision, he has once again done what he thinks is best for the future of our democracy. His legacy will set an example of what we can accomplish on behalf of everyday Americans for generations to come. There’s still more work to be done – and I know the President is committed to seeing it through.”

U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (D-Md.), Chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, released the following statement regarding President Joe Biden’s announcement that he would not seek re-election.

“Joe Biden is a friend, and has been a passionate public servant throughout his lifetime, putting the needs of this nation first time and again. As president, he has led an administration that for nearly four years has helped our nation, helped our people and has created hope and opportunity where there was sickness, despair and inequality. Unemployment is at historic lows, small businesses creation is at record highs and the Fed is on the cusp of cutting interest rates again because inflation is in check. America has earned back respect and leadership around the free world. For all this and more, Joe Biden has earned the right to determine his own future and I respect his decision. I thank him for his incredible service with all my heart.

“Donald Trump is unfit to hold elected office. Democrats, along with Independents and Republicans, now must be united and focus our attention on preserving our nation, our Constitution and our way of life under the rule of law.”

Congresswoman Lisa Blunt Rochester’s Statement on President Joe Biden’s Decision to Withdraw from the Presidential Race

“From the bottom of my heart, thank you, Mr. President.

“Throughout his lifetime of public service, Joe Biden has shown us what it means to wake up every morning wanting to help the American people. We’ve felt the impact of his service, reflected in remarkable achievements over these last four years — the most accomplished president in modern history. It’s the change we can see — capping the cost of insulin to $35 a month for seniors on Medicare, forgiving $160 billion in student loan debt, helping entrepreneurs open small businesses, investing over $16 billion in HBCUs and creating good-paying jobs. 

“And it’s the change that steers our country in the right direction, from guiding this country through a once-in-a-lifetime global pandemic to defending our eroding rights and freedoms and restoring our standing on the international stage.”

“There will be a lot of conversations about legacy in the next few days; Joe Biden’s accomplishments have secured his legacy as a great president, but I want to talk about the Joe I know personally. 

“I’ve had the great fortune of knowing Joe Biden for over three decades. Our families have always been there for each other in solidarity, in celebration, and in tragedy. When my husband unexpectedly passed, when my sister suffered a stroke, when Dad died, the President was always one of the first to call and express his condolences. I call him the Comforter-in-Chief because of his empathy and compassion for every person. 

“Before Joe announced his candidacy for president in 2019, we met one on one. We talked about his unwavering commitment to restoring the soul of our nation, his resolve to make sure that every American gets a fair shake, and his promise to put people over politics, country over party. This has been true throughout his entire time in the White House.

“Today, the fight of our lives continues. As a party, Democrats have always been united in defeating Donald Trump, continuing to build the economy from the bottom up and middle out, restoring our reproductive freedoms for every woman in this country, protecting Social Security and Medicare, and beating back Project 2025. There is no better person or leader more equipped to do so than Vice President Kamala Harris. In November, Democrats are going to beat Donald Trump because we have to — and because President Joe Biden showed us how.”

House Democratic Caucus Leadership Issues Statement on President Biden’s Re-Election Announcement

DOVER – In response to the President Biden’s announcement that he will not be seeking re-election, House Speaker Valerie Longhurst, House Majority Leader Melissa Minor Brown, and House Majority Whip Kerri Evelyn Harris issued the following statement:

“Throughout his long and distinguished career serving our state and our nation, President Joe Biden has exemplified the very best of public service.

“Despite suffering immeasurable personal tragedy, President Biden persevered to reach our nation’s highest office, winning more votes than any other candidate in history.

“Upon taking office, President Biden inherited unprecedented crises – a global pandemic, economic turmoil, and a deeply divided nation. However, he successfully steered our country back on track. Under his administration, we have seen historic investments in our infrastructure, revitalizing communities, and creating countless jobs. 

“His vision for America has brought tangible improvements to the lives of millions, uplifted working families, and helped to ensure protections for our most essential rights, including reproductive justice.

“President Biden’s leadership and compassion have left their mark on our nation, just as they have left their mark on Delaware.  As he and Jill step into their well-deserved retirement, we thank him for his service and wish him nothing but the best in the years ahead.

As we move forward, it’s critical that we all rally behind the Democratic nominee.

“We must stand together as a nation and ensure that our rights and protections are upheld, remembering that unity is our driving force, and our collective advancement to a better tomorrow is our goal.

“Democrats have always been at the forefront of protecting essential rights, including reproductive rights, voting rights, and healthcare access. Foundational Democratic principles call on us to see each other as equally capable and worthy of the best this life has to offer and our big tent means everyone, regardless of race, religion, origin, gender, or political party, has a place and a voice.

“We look forward to continuing the work President Biden has championed, building on the strong foundations he has laid over his decades of service. Our nation is better because of his leadership, and his impact will be felt for generations to come.”

Delaware Democratic Statement on Joe Biden’s Withdraw from the Presidential Race

Delaware Democratic Party Chair Betsy Maron has issued the following statement in reaction to President Joe Biden’s decision to drop out of the 2024 presidential race.

“For over 50 years, Delaware Democrats have been proud to count Joe Biden among our ranks. Today is no different. Placing the interest of his party and his country ahead of his own is a reflection of Joe Biden’s selfless character, which Delawareans know all too well. We thank President Biden for his years of dedication and service to our state and our nation. We look forward to honoring his consequential legacy for years to come”

Delaware Attorney General Kathy Jennings released the following statement today in reaction to President Joe Biden’s announcement that he will not seek re-election this November.

I’ve known Joe Biden through most of my working life — as my Senator, as a father to my old boss and dear friend Beau, as one of the greatest Vice Presidents and Presidents in the history of our nation. 

From the day he ran for Senate, Joe has consistently proven the skeptics wrong. He ended our longest war. He passed the most significant infrastructure investments in our lifetime. He invested more in combating climate change than any administration, ever. He passed the most significant gun safety legislation in a generation. He chose the first woman and person of color ever to serve as Vice President, and the first Black woman to serve on the Supreme Court.  On his watch, crime has fallen sharply, carbon emissions are down, our economy is the envy of the world, and we have restored dignity and decency to the White House. 

I know this was not an easy decision for Joe to reach when so much is on the line for America. But I also know that he understands how gravely serious the threat to our country is, and I should not be surprised that — in a career replete with difficult, consequential decisions — Joe’s patriotism has carried the day. The entire Biden family is in my heart today.

Today, Senator Tom Carper (D-Del.) released the following statement regarding President Joe Biden’s decision to not seek the Democratic nomination for President:

“It has been my privilege to serve the people of Delaware and America with Joe Biden for 50 years. I love him like a brother. He’s a proud Democrat, but he’s an American first. From the day he took office, he has consistently said that in the end, his final decision on running for re-election would be based on what’s best for America. His decision today meets that standard, and I am immensely proud of him for that.

“Now, during his last five months in office, President Biden will be able to give his undivided attention to the awesome responsibilities of serving as our commander-in-chief, while continuing to build on the remarkable record of achievement that’s been attained over the course of his Administration. Not only have we built the strongest economy in the world under the leadership of our President, but he has led the most significant investment in combating climate change and signed into law the largest expansion of veterans’ health benefits in our nation’s history, while also increasing affordable health care coverage for Americans, lowering prescription drug costs for seniors, and leading this country out of a global pandemic. President Biden’s record is one that all Americans can be proud of.

“Today, the prayers of my family are with our President, his wife, Jill, and their family. We are indebted to them for sharing Joe Biden with the people of our country for a half-century, and for their willingness to continue doing so until January 20, 2025.

“May God bless them today and in the days to come.”

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