Rally for Life – Tuesday in Dover


Senate Bill 235, the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, will go for a hearing in the Senate Legislative Oversight and Sunset Committee Tuesday, June 7 at 10am. This measure prevents abortion after 20 weeks, except to save the life of the mother. 
Senate Bill 3 (signed by the governor on August 9, 2017) allows a certificate of birth at 20 weeks to a stillborn infant. This bill is evidence the state acknowledges the personhood of the unborn at 20 weeks gestation. Once personhood is established, that life is protected the same as any other life as guaranteed by the 14th amendment.
To testify on Senate Bill 235, sign up this way:

  • Go to legis.delaware.gov
  • Go to Home – Delaware General Assembly
  • Under ‘What’s Happening’ find the June 7 Joint Legislative Oversight and Sunset Committee Meeting.
  • Select Register for Meeting (or click on the meeting link)
  • Fill out the form and register to testify
  • This applies if testifying in person or online

Here are some suggestions on how to testify:

  • Identify yourself and reason for testifying
  • Have strong/memorable closing statement
  • Keep comments to under 2 minutes to avoid being cut off in mid sentence
  • Rehearse and time your testimony 
  • Make sure any facts/statistics you use are easily verifiable
  • Personal stories that evoke emotions are powerful 
  • When telling stories in particular, make sure you stay within the time limit.

Rally for Life
Also on June 7, a pro-life rally is scheduled from 1 to 2 p.m. on the east side of Legislative Hall in Dover. There are plenty of public parking spaces in lots around Legislative Hall and along the streets. 
For those who have difficulty getting around, come early for the closest parking spaces. Umbrellas are advised to be used either as a sun shield or in the less likely chance of a rain shower. For details and to register visit this rally link: https://delawarefamilies.org/liferally/
State Senator Bryant Richardson has written to a number of churches and to the Most Reverend William E. Koenig, D.D., Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Wilmington, asking for their support for SB 235 and to inform their congregations of the rally.
For more information contact me at bryant.richardson@delaware.gov.