Parking Regulations, Dogs on Beach up for Discussion and Possible Vote at This Month’s Dewey Beach Town Hall Meeting


Parking regulations will be up for discussion and a possible vote at the last Dewey Beach Town Council meeting of the year–on December 15th at 3:30 p.m. According to the Town’s monthly newsletter, the discussion will include a variety of potential scenarios, including but not limited to a cost increase of the parking permits and/or meter rates, a change to the duration of the parking season, and/or a change to the free parking days/ times.
Dogs on the beach will be up for discussion as well. New legislation could potentially allow dogs to enjoy the beach during summer season daytime hours, when no lifeguard is present.The current summer season runs from May 15th – Sept 15th, during which dogs are not prohibited on the beach from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Current lifeguard duty runs from Memorial Day to Labor Day.

Town officials welcome your thoughts during the public comment portion. At the following link, you’ll find instructions on how to watch the meeting live or provide comment virtually:
