Northeast States Announce I-95 Speed Enforcement Campaign



The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is running a national speed enforcement campaign this month. Coinciding with that, a number of states up and down the eastern seaboard along the I-95 corridor will be stepping up enforcement– focusing especially on July 21st.  Specifically in Delaware, enforcement that coincides with the NHTSA’s campaign is going on through the month of July. Jason Coleman of the Delaware Office of Highway Safety tells the Talk of Delmarva what you can expect as you travel on roadways in the area and region…

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He adds that the responsibility is to make sure that we keep everyone safe on the roadways and that everyone arrives alive at their destination. 

Law enforcement throughout multiple states will be conducting special speed enforcement this month in conjunction with The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)’s “Speeding Wrecks Lives” prevention campaign to address what has been a significant increase in speed-related crashes and fatalities. Jason Coleman of the Delaware Office of Highway Safety tells the Talk of Delmarva…

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He says the special enforcement led by NHTSA involves 16 states up and down the eastern seaboard from Maine to Florida along the I-95 corridor. 

Delaware has seen an increase in the number of speed-related crashes and fatalities. Jason Coleman of the state Office of Highway Safety tells the Talk of Delmarva about the dangerous trend on the roadways…

This month, Delaware is participating in a multi-state effort to step up enforcement on the roads, especially on the higher speed traveled roadways such as Route 1 and I-95. 

Law enforcement throughout multiple states will be conducting special speed enforcement this month in conjunction with The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)’s “Speeding Wrecks Lives” prevention campaign to address what has been a significant increase in speed-related crashes and fatalities. Jason Coleman of the Delaware Office of Highway Safety tells the Talk of Delmarva…

He says the special enforcement led by NHTSA involves 16 states up and down the eastern seaboard from Maine to Florida along the I-95 corridor. 

Earlier Post:

Law Enforcement and transportation officials from states across the northeast are concerned about the rising number of speed-related crashes and fatalities on I-95. They gathered at Frawley Stadium with I-95 in the background to discuss the concerns and efforts to increase enforcement. Officials announced a speed enforcement campaign involving increased police presence on the road and communication efforts to raise awareness. The campaign that NHTSA and its partners across the country have launched is called “Speeding Wrecks Lives” speeding prevention campaign to address the significant increase in crashes. In 2021, speeding killed 12,330 people on roads across the country. NHTSA’s recently released report on speeding can be found here.
