More Salisbury City Employees Test Positive For COVID-19


The City of Salisbury Friday reported that four additional municipal employees had tested positive for coronavirus.

Three of those employees are members of the Salisbury Fire Department, and the other is in the Government Office Building. Salisbury City Administrator Julia Glanz said the test results were confirmed in the past week.

All city employees who tested positive were given temporary leave of their jobs and are quarantining per protocol. Employees are also being sent for testing and may stay home if they were close contacts of the employees who tested positive.

“We have been fortunate in the fact that we have seen relatively few cases within our organization,” Glanz said Friday.  “The measures we have taken up to this point have been effective in slowing the spread of the virus within our ranks. Nationwide, however, we are in the midst of an upswing in COVID diagnoses. We will continue to be transparent with the public about our positive employees, as it is critical to keep COVID-19 at the front of all of our minds – as much as we want life to return to “normal”.

Anyone with concerns about possibly being exposed to coronavirus may contact the Wicomico County Health Department at 410-912-6889 or visit to learn about available resources.

“The health of our employees and our citizens is our number one concern at all times,” Glanz added.  “We will continue to take the necessary steps to contain the spread of COVID within this organization, and across our city. We send our sincerest wishes for a speedy recovery to all of our employees, and anyone else who is suffering from COVID-19.”
