Monitoring Shows Air Quality in Snow Hill within Normal Limits as Efforts Continue to Extinguish a Grain Silo Fire


Efforts to extinguish a fire within a grain silo at the Tyson Feed Plant in Snow Hill continue. Worcester County Fire Marshal’s office and the Department of Emergency Services are closely monitoring this multi-day project, which has been going on since the end of last week. Residents are likely to detect an odor caused by the burning corn. An independent monitoring firm contracted by Tyson has confirmed that air quality within Snow Hill is within normal regulatory limits and monitoring will continue for community, environment and health concerns.

Additional information from Worcester County:

“We have reviewed the air quality test results, which reflect that all readings are within normal ranges,” WCFM Matt Owens said. “However, like any form of smoke, those who are sensitive to air quality conditions may wish to limit outdoor activities.”

Suppression of the fire is underway. The primary method for fighting this type of contained fire includes the use of nitrogen to displace oxygen and smother the fire. The use of fire hoses would be limited to any grain that may still be smoldering once removed from the silo.

“The mayor and town council of Snow Hill have been deeply involved in the situation at the Tyson feed mill from the beginning and have strongly pressed for assurances that the health and safety of our residents is at the forefront of all considerations and actions,” Town Manager Rick Pollitt said. “We have confidence that the emergency is being properly managed and that on-going testing for air quality and traffic safety is among the highest priorities. We understand that, as the corn product is removed from the silo, there may be additional concerns about smoke and odor and ask everyone to use common sense when in the immediate area. All of the appropriate agencies are involved, and they continue to stress that public health and safety is not at risk.”

Learn more about smoke and air quality in general by visiting the Maryland Department of the Environment at and Air Now at

The SHVFC, WCFM, and DES will continue to work with Tyson to keep the community safe and informed.
