Mobile Food Pantries Resume Mon. June 13th In Sussex Co.


The Food Bank of Delaware continues with monthly mobile food pantries this month.
Food will be available at a drive-through pantry Monday June 13th, starting at 10 a.m. at Crossroad Community Church on State Forest Road between Georgetown and Bridgeville. Guests are asked to register online to speed up the check-in process.

Register in dvance:https://13JunSussex.eventbrite.com聽

Proof of Delaware residency will be required, and guests are asked to clear space in the trunk or back seat of their vehicles to make space for the food supply.
A drive-thru pantry is also scheduled in Kent County Wednesday, June 15th at Dover International Speedway.

Register in advance:

According to the Food Bank of Delaware, it will be prepared to serve up to 1,000 households at each pantry.
