Milton Voters Choose New Mayor; Elections Also Held In Millville, Selbyville


Three Sussex County communities held elections Saturday:

Milton will get a new mayor next month. Councilman John Collier was the winner of Saturday’s election.
He defeated incumbent mayor Ted Kanakos, 376 to 239.

Incumbent Larry Savage was unopposed for re-election to Milton Town Council. Annette Babish also ran unopposed for a council position.

For Milton election results, please CLICK HERE

The Mayor of Millville, Ron Belinko, has won re-election to another term on town council. Peter Michel also wins a seat on council in Saturday’s election.

In Selbyville, Carol Cary and Richard Duncan Senior, an incumbent, have been elected to terms on town council. Councilman Jay Murray, who is currently serving as mayor, was defeated.

For Selbyville election results, please CLICK HERE
