Md. Mails Out Requests For Mail-in Primary Ballots


Maryland voters will start to receive forms to request a mail-in ballot in advance of the 2022 primary election.

The Maryland State Board of Elections said Monday that more than 3,000,000 registered voters will have the option of asking for a mail-in ballot. Marylanders with a state driver’s license or MVA-issued ID card may also request a mail-in ballot online. Local boards of elections can also handle requests.

More information below was provided by the Maryland State Board of Elections:

Alternatively, voters can request a mail-in ballot online if they have a Maryland driver鈥檚 license or MVA-issued ID card. To complete an application online, visit Voters may also visit their local board of elections and fill out and return their ballot request form.

Voters who want to vote in person should not fill out and return the form.

This first phase of request forms for the primary election are addressed to registered Democrats and registered Republicans.

Voters registered with other political parties, such as the Green Party and Libertarian Party, and unaffiliated voters will receive a request form in a second phase of mailers if there is a primary election in their school board district. Request forms for these voters will be mailed after the deadline for candidates to file for office, so that election officials will know where there are contested school board elections.

There will be a final phase of mailers after the primary election for all other registered voters.

To vote by mail, you must be registered to vote in Maryland. Visit to register or update your voter record.
