Mail-In / Absentee Voting Proves Popular In Del.


Tens of thousands of Delawareans have already voted in the General Election, thanks to absentee voting and mail-in balloting approved for this election cycle.

Delaware Elections Commissioner Anthony Albence told WGMD News that about 180,000 requests had come in for absentee or mail-in ballots. About 110,000 requests had come from registered Democrats, nearly 37,000 had come from Republicans and the rest came from people who declared “other party” or “no party.”

As of Wednesday, Albence said about 140,000 ballots had already come in. Ballots must arrive by 8 p.m. Tuesday in order to be counted.

“It’s a pretty high level of interest and a high level of returns,” Albence said.

Any ballot still held by a voter should be brought in person to the elections office or ballot drop-box in the county where it was requested.

For more information about absentee voting in Delaware, click here
