It’s Almost Time To ‘Tree-cycle’ Your Christmas Tree


If your natural Christmas tree is starting to show its age, it may be about time to plan for its disposal.

There are ways to depart with your tree without having it end up in a landfill.

The Delaware Department of Natural Resources, Worcester County and other jurisdictions operate Christmas tree recycling programs that accept trees to grind them into mulch.

According to DNREC, several yard waste sites may take your tree, or haulers may pick them up at no charge or with a fee. The department said more than 173,000 tons of yard waste including trees, grass leaves and other lawn and landscape materials were recycled in 2019.

Kent County plans to collect Christmas trees only between January 4th and January 8th and from January 11th to January 15th on regular trash pick-up days for citizens that have yard waste collection service. Sussex and New Castle County customers should check with their haulers.

The Worcester County Solid Waste Division hosts its annual Christmas tree collection through January 15th. Trees may be brought to the Central Landfill in Newark or to the Homeowners Convenience Centers in Berlin, Pocomoke and Snow Hill. There is no charge to residents. Businesses and organizations that sold trees may take them to the Central Landfill where applicable tipping fees will be charged.

The Town of Ocean City has opened a drop-off site at the 100th Street Municipal Parking Lot, which will be available through January 15th.

Please remove any tinsel, lights and all decorations from your tree prior to disposal.
