IRSD Revises Schedule For Hybrid-Learning Students


The Indian River School District Board of Education has revised the district’s hybrid learning schedule. Some will start with in-person classes earlier than originally scheduled.
Hybrid students in grades four through six will start with in-person instruction the week of October 12th. Seventh-and-eighth grade hybrid students will begin in-person instruction the following week of October 19th.
Indian River School District is also reviewing the hybrid schedule for all high school students to determine if they may receive in-person instruction earlier than originally anticipated.

IRSD provided this schedule update:

Dates In-Person Instruction
September 17 – October 2 Grades PreK-1 (Cohorts A and B)
October 5-9 Grades PreK-3 (Cohorts A and B)
October 12-16 Grades PreK-6 (Cohorts A and B)
October 19 – November 17 Grades PreK-8 (Cohorts A and B)

Updates can be found at the Indian River School District website.
