How To Dodge Those Ticks:


As we spend more time outdoors, we are more at risk to be bitten by a tick.

Ticks are present, however, all year long. According to the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Delaware Public Health, we need to be extra alert for ticks, which tend to wait on the grass or on plants for a ‘host’ to come by and latch on to.

Tick prevention tips include:

-wear long pants tucked into your socks, as well as long sleeves when venturing into areas that may have high tick populations

-check yourself thoroughly for ticks when you return

-keep your grass cut short and remove brush from the yard to minimize tick habitat

Ticks are able to transmit a variety of pathogens that can cause mild to serious illnesses.

For more about ticks and the hazards they present, please CLICK HERE or CLICK HERE

DNREC also provided these tick tidbits:

Tick facts include:

·         In Delaware, ticks are everywhere, but most bites occur in backyards.

·         Ticks do not jump or fall out of trees; they wait on grass or other plants for a host to walk by so they can grab on.  

·         Ticks are active year-round, not just in late spring/early summer which is prime “tick season.”

·         Several different types of ticks are found in Delaware, and several types can carry different pathogens that can infect humans including Lyme disease.

Recommended precautions include:

·         Keep grass short and remove brush from the yard to reduce tick habitat.

·         Wear long pants tucked into socks and long sleeves in areas with high tick populations to help keep ticks from reaching skin.

·         When returning from outdoor activities, check for ticks and remove any from skin as soon as possible to reduce the chance of disease transmission.

·         Following exposure to tick-prone areas or tick bites, watch for symptoms of common illnesses caused by tick-borne pathogens and seek medical attention as needed.