Historical Marker Unveiled At Indian Mission School Site


The Indian Mission School’s history is available for all to see.

A historical marker has been dedicated at the school in Millsboro, which was established by the Nanticoke Indian Tribe and operated from the 1920s until 1962.

Photo courtesy of Delaware Public Archives

Area lawmakers helped to obtain funding for the marker utilizing portions of their allotted Community Transportation Funds. Delaware Public Archives places the familiar markers at sites based on suggestions from the local community.

The Nanticoke Indian Association now operates an administrative and cultural center at the site of the school.

“The Nanticoke Indians have a rich culture and a legacy that spans centuries,” Representative Steve Smyk, R- Milton / Lewes said. “I was proud to have played a small role in helping to permanently commemorate a part of their unique history.”

Representative Ruth Briggs King, R- Georgetown, said it was a joy to be in attendance.

To find out more about the DPA historical marker program, please CLICK HERE
