HB 275 Passes in DE Senate; Updates Definition of “Sexual Orientation”


With just days left before the end of the Delaware 152nd General Assembly – legislation is still being considered and passed. On Thursday the State Senate passed House Bill 275 which updates the definition of ‘sexual orientation’ throughout Delaware Code. This measure, sponsored by Representative Eric Morrison adds the terms asexuality and pansexuality to the Code – and also makes technical corrections to conform existing law to the standards of the Delaware Legislative Drafting Manual. The vote was 14 to 7 – Democrat Darius Brown joined Senate Republicans and voted against the measure. HB 275 passed in the State House in March on a 21 to 15 vote. It now waits for the governor’s signature.


Asexuality refers to individuals with little to no sexual attraction to other individuals, although asexual individuals may desire emotionally intimate relationships with other individuals.

Pansexuality refers to individuals who are attracted sexually or romantically, or both, to another individual regardless of that individual’s sex or gender identity. 
