Gov Carney Signs 2 Agriculture Bills

Governor John Carney has signed House Bill 87, which establishes the Delaware Agricultural Production Assistance Program. The Program will provide a subsidy of up to 30% of the premium for eligible producers’ multi-peril crop insurance premium, or whole farm revenue protection premium up to a maximum of $10.00 per acre. The subsidy would be directly paid by the Delaware Department of Agriculture to the Federal Crop Insurance Corporation on behalf of Delaware eligible producers.

The Department would administer the Program. The Act requires the Department to provide an annual Report to the Chairs of the House and Senate Agriculture Committees.

Governor John Carney also signed House Bill 392, which enables the Delaware Department of Agriculture, subject to the availability of funding, to reimburse eligible dairy operators in the state for the cost of the premium to enroll in a voluntary USDA program. This program, run by the US Department of Agriculture provides risk management coverage to dairy producers that pays out based on the difference between the national price of milk and the average cost of feed.
