Georgetown Sets Hours, Guidelines For Halloween


Whether to trick-or-treat, and whether to donate candy, is up to the citizens of Georgetown.

Due to COVID-19 considerations, the Town is asking that residents who are interested in offering Halloween treats on October 31st to turn on their porch lights. Also, trick-or-treaters are asked to refrain from approaching a home that does not have the light on.

Apartment dwellers can send the same message with a sign on the door that trick-or-treaters are welcome.

Designated hours for trick-or-treat in Georgetown are six p.m. until eight p.m. on Halloween night. Everyone is also asked to keep in mind CDC and Public Health guidelines that discourage the usual hand-to-hand contact involved with the candy exchange.

The Town of Georgetown issued this advice for a safe and healthy Halloween:

Recommendations for Trick or Treat are as follows:
 Only share commercially-wrapped food.
 During Trick-or-Treat, wear plastic disposable gloves and place commercially-wrapped
candy into the child’s bucket
 Disinfect high-touch surfaces, to include doorbells following Trick-or-Treat
 Perform at-home self-assessments by taking temperatures and monitoring for symptoms
prior to leaving your home
 Stay home if you are ill to stop infecting others
 Maintain social distancing of 6-feet away from others outside your family
 Wear a mask if you cannot physically distance
 Practice excellent hand hygiene
 Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands
 Practice respiratory etiquette by coughing/sneezing into a tissue or your elbow

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 Eliminate unnecessary physical contact
 Disinfect high-touch surfaces
The Georgetown Police Department emphasizes the importance of parental involvement, as well
as parental monitoring of their subdivision during the designated hours. Remember:
 Set a time limit for children to trick or treat.
 Accompany small children while trick or treating.
 Remind older children not to take short cuts through backyards.
 Together, map out a safe route so you know where your children will be.
 Remind children not to enter a strange house or car.
