Georgetown Offers Crime-Mapping Feature For Community


Citizens of Georgetown are now able to track local crime trends online.

Town officials have introduced a new online crime mapping program at Several other Delaware municipalities including Milford, Dover and Wilmington also have such information available online.

“This is one additional means for the Town to help keep the public informed,” Georgetown Mayor Bill West said.

In addition to increasing awareness among the public, Georgetown Police Chief Paul Hughes said crime mapping will also help make the police department more responsive, transparent and accountable.

The system makes available up to six months of crime data or up to 1,000 records by various search categories: date range, type of crime, distance of an incident from a specific address, etc. Citizens can also sign up for custom alerts about updated crime data, according to Georgetown Town Manger Gene Dvornick.

According to town officials, a ‘nominal fee’ was paid to TriTech Software Systems to allow Georgetown to be a part of the online crime mapping program. A link will appear on the town’s website.

For more information, please CLICK HERE
