Fenwick Island Officials Looking for 2nd Round Public Comments on Little Assawoman Bay Dredge Project


Today is the final day that comment can be made to the US Army Corps of Engineers on the first round of public notification related to Fenwick Island’s critical dredging project. The plans is for the Little Assawoman Bay – to clear out two canals that are channels to the bay for easier navigation for boaters. The second round for public comment is now underway. The second round relates to DNREC and supports Fenwick’s ‘Federal Consistency Certification’ permit. Town officials ask you to send a letter of support for this second public notification ā€“ which runs through August 8th.

Additional information from the Town of Fenwick Island:

For additional information, please read the attached summary notification from DNREC which can also be found on their website.  We have also included (at the bottom of the attachment) the exact website address where the entire 220-page permit application can be found to provide even greater detail about the project.

Both the US Army Corps of Engineers and DNREC will review all communications received from the public related to this project.  It is critical that as many folks as possible send an email expressing their support for this important project.

The point of contact for these DNREC public comments is Ms. Kimberly Cole and her email address is:


You can also mail a letter to Ms. Cole at:

Delaware Coastal Programs
Ms. Kimberly Cole, Administrator
100 W. Water Street
Suite 7B
Dover, DE  19904

Please keep in mind that each one of these notification periods is independent of the others so it is critical to provide feedback for each permit application.Ā  So, please send another email or letter to Ms.Cole even if you already sent one to Mr.Yost of the Army Corp of Engineers last week.Ā 
