Dozens Speak Out on Controversial Policy before Milford School Board


The Milford School Board has been discussing a revision to Policy 6103 “With Regard to Adherence to the Curriculum” for at least a month after it was brought up at last month’s school board meeting. During Monday night’s School Board meeting, board member Dr. Adam Brownstein revealed how this policy revision came about – from a complaint from one student to a parent because the student felt threatened by a Black Lives Matter (BLM) flag in their classroom. The parent contacted Dr Brownstein, who brought the issue before the Board.

Twenty-six people – teachers, parents, community members, students and more – spoke during the public comment session on Policy 6103 – 24 of them were against the policy saying that it would take away long-held student rights, that teachers would leave the district. Several called the revised policy vague, that it would violate staff and students First Amendment rights and that the revised policy would put students in the crossfire of hatred and extremism. Many pleaded for the board to return to the policy from 1982 which was clearly written or to revise again the revised policy.

When it came time for the Milford School Board to vote on adopting Policy 6103, many who had spoken during the public comment session had already left the meeting. Dr. Adam Brownstein told the remaining people in the audience, “You don’t want this.” And he said that he was prepared to vote against the policy. Two motions were made – one to table the policy indefinitely, which failed for lack of a majority vote. A second motion to table the policy until the next meeting also failed for lack of a majority. Dr. Brownstein made the final motion to table the policy “till our next meeting or until such time that we can form a group consisting of board members, teachers and community members so that we don’t all have to go through this again.” That motion won unanimous approval and Policy 1603 has been tabled – for now.
