Delaware’s Hunting Season Set to Begin; Regulation Changes Related to Hunting and Trapping


Delaware’s 2024/25 hunting season opens Sunday, September 1st when Delaware deer hunters are set to go afield with archery equipment and crossbows. Also opening September 1st are the resident Canada goose and mourning dove hunting seasons – the upcoming season will be the first for which Sunday hunting for game birds is permitted. Monday, September 2nd is the opening day for coyote hunting, and Saturday, September 14th marks the start of early teal season, with the gray squirrel season to open two days later on Monday, September 16th. Note that the 2024/2025 Delaware Hunting and Trapping Guide has incorrect season opener dates for coyotes and gray squirrels ā€“ the correct dates as found in the online version of the hunting and trapping guide are Sept. 2 and Sept. 16, respectively). Numerous changes were made to the regulations related to hunting and trapping and can be found in the Delaware Hunting and Trapping Guide, which should be reviewed by hunters and trappers before heading afield this year.Ā 

Additional Information from DNREC:

Notable among them are the hunting of gamebirds in Delaware on Sundays and revisions to deer and turkey hunting seasons. Also, a new special Delaware deer season has been established for the last weekend of September, when youth and non-ambulatory adult hunters may hunt deer with a firearm. Additionally, some small game and furbearer seasons have been lengthened and additional methods of take are now permitted.

In additional to regulatory changes, hunters pursuing mourning doves on State Wildlife Areas will find expanded opportunities in September to hunt fields specifically managed for doves. For more information about hunting doves and other species on State Wildlife Areas, hunters should review the recently updated and released Delaware Wildlife Area Maps.

More information on hunting seasons and state wildlife areas can be found in theĀ Delaware Hunting & Trapping GuideĀ or by calling the Wildlife Section at 302-739-9912. Information on hunting licenses, the state waterfowl stamp and the Conservation Access Pass can be found atĀĀ or by calling the DNREC Division of Fish and Wildlife Recreational Licensing office at 302-739-9918.