Del. Specialty Pollinator Plate Generates Buzz


The Delaware Support Pollinators License Plate has been recognized by the Automobile License Plate Collector’s Association with its Best Plate Award for 2021.
The plate has a green background and is decorated with flowers, birds, a butterfly and a bee. The one-time fee of $50 also directs $35 to the DelDOT stewardship office to assist with creating, enhancing and preserving pollinator habitats.

Secretary of Transportation Nicole Majeski, DMV’s Valerie Carey, DTI’s Geri Smith and Theresa Vander Schel, Senator Stephanie Hansen, ALPCA’s Cyndi McCabe, DelDOT’s Christie Bonniwell & Delaware DMV Director Jana Simpler (photo courtesy of DelDOT)

“At DMV we strive to provide a first-class experience for everyone whether in person, on the phone or online,” DelDOT Secretary Nicole Majeski said. “Our specialty plates give our customers the ability to financially support an organization and an avenue to proudly display their support. For us they are more than just aluminum collections of numbers you affix a sticker every couple of years. They symbolize causes near and dear to our customers. It’s a service we are proud to provide.”

“Many of the members commented about the combination of attractiveness and how the plate number did not interfere with the design like it does with most colorful plates. I knew it had an excellent chance of winning the moment I first saw it,” ALPCA Best Plate Award Coordinator Gus Oliver said.”

According to DelDOT, the DMV currently has 135 specialty plates that represent a variety of organizations and causes. Of more than 1,141,367 vehicles registered in Delaware, 39,044 have specialty plates.
