Del., Md. Monitor Gas Supplies Following Pipeline Disruption


The Governors of Maryland and Delaware are responding to the possible effects of the Colonial Pipeline hacking on the region’s gas supply.

Maryland Governor Larry Hogan Wednesday authorized Transportation Secretary Greg Slater to issue emergency waivers of weight restrictions and hours-of-service requirements for Maryland ‘motor carriers.’ Hogan added that the gas supply chain is still working from Maryland’s point of view, but slower than usual, and there is no need to storm the gas pumps.

Other state agencies and departments are also monitoring the situation.

“The emergency actions that we are taking will provide the state the flexibility it needs to address any disruption in fuel supply,” Hogan said. “It is important for Marylanders to know that the supply chain is still working—albeit more slowly than usual—and there is no need for panic buying. While the operators of the pipeline anticipate that the disruption is likely to be short-term, we continue to prepare for all contingencies as part of our statewide response.”

In a Facebook post Wednesday, Governor John Carney said there have not been supply challenges in Delaware to the degree being faced in other states. Some scattered stations have put pumps out of order.

Carney said any shortages are expected to be minimal and brief, and there is no need to rush out for gas.

AAA Mid-Atlantic reported early Thursday that the average price of gas was $3.01 in Maryland and $2.95 in Delaware.
