Del. Looks To Make Solar More Affordable For Low-to-Moderate Income Households


Delaware low-to-moderate income homeowners may get assistance with the expense of installing solar panels, which previously may not have been affordable.

The Department of Natural Resources is inviting applications from contractors who are interested in participating in a two-year pilot program that would serve at least 50 clients per year. DNREC said it will lead to a statewide solar program that would provide services to low-to-moderate income homes regardless of electric utility service territory.

Selected contractors would also be required to apply for approval through the Green Energy Program, which provides grants and incentives to promote use of renewable energy.

Applications are due to DNREC by January 21st, 2022. For information, please CLICK HERE

“Reducing greenhouse gas emissions through transitioning to cleaner energy sources is a key component of Delaware’s Climate Action Plan,” Delaware Natural Resources Secretary Shawn Garvin said. “Unfortunately, for some families, installing solar panels is outside their budget. This pilot program will help us identify the best ways to help low- and moderate-income families make the switch.”

According to DNREC:

The DNREC Division of Climate, Coastal and Energy, which is overseeing the program, will provide a list of low-income clients eligible for the pilot program that have recently received services through the DNREC Weatherization Assistance Program. Under the terms of the Request For Qualifications, selected contractors are required provide information in their proposal indicating how they would market to and recruit moderate income households.

Funding for the program will come from the Weatherization Assistance Program and the Green Energy Fund.
