DEGOP Voter Integrity HOTLINE
Voters wishing to report something can call (302) 600-4163 or can go online to
When Julianne Murray was elected Republican Party Chair in Delaware, she promised that election integrity would be a priority after the seeds of doubt that have been planted around the security of elections in the past several years. Last year an Election Integrity Taskforce was formed. The taskforce has created a robust integrity initiative focused on several aspects of election integrity before, during and after the election.
The DEGOP has a hotline open for reports by voters should they experience something they see or hear that is cause for concern. This will allow the DEGOP to respond swiftly to issues brought to their attention, see patterns and take necessary action to protect the vote.
You’ll see a yellow sign outside polling places with a phone number and website to report issues –
Voters wishing to report something can call (302) 600-4163 or can go online to