Debates to be Held Among Candidates for Milford City Council


The Chamber of Commerce for Greater Milford will hold three debates among candidates for the City of Milford Council. Debates are planned as follows:

                • Wards 1 and 2 – April 18 – 6 to 8 PM – Milford High School Auditorium

                                Mike Boyle, Madula Kalesis, Lori Connor and Nadia Zychal

                • Wards 3 and 4  – April 23 – 6 to 8 PM – Milford High School Auditorium

                                Danny Perez, Michael Stewart, Katrina Wilson, Phillip Ruiz

                • Mayor – April 25 – 7 to 9 PM – Milford High School Auditorium

                                Archie Campbell and Todd Culotta

Pat Abel, President of CCGM said this will be a standard debate format with a moderator and the same questions asked of all candidates. Terry Rogers, who has covered Milford City Council for Milford Live, will moderate the debates. Questions will consist of issues facing Milford only and will not pertain to state or national politics. They also hope to offer a virtual option for those who cannot attend in person.
