Congresswoman-elect McBride Announces Legislative Director Hire


Delaware’s Congresswoman-elect Sarah McBride has announced the hire of Jacob Glasser to be her Legislative Director. McBride said in a statement that Glasser fills a critical role in her office referring to his creativity, compassion, and thoughtfulness necessary to make Congress work better for Delawareans. She adds that he joins with a wealth of expertise on key issues facing the people of Delaware–working to bring more transparency, consumer protection, and innovation to our financial systems.


Additional Information:

“I could not be more excited to have Jacob Glasser join our team,” Congresswoman-elect McBride said in a statement. “Jacob fills a critical role in our office, leading our legislative team with creativity, compassion, and the thoughtfulness necessary to make Congress work better for Delawareans. Jacob joins our office with a wealth of expertise on key issues facing Delawareans, working tirelessly on legislation to bring more transparency, consumer protection, and innovation to our financial systems. Jacob and I share an enthusiasm for ensuring that government respects everyone by delivering meaningful results for all.”

Jacob currently serves as Senior Policy Advisor to Representative Wiley Nickel (D-NC), leading the Congressman’s work on the Financial Services Committee and managing a broad portfolio of policy issues. He also serves as Senior Advisor to Congressman Nickel’s campaign. Previously, Jacob was Deputy Finance and Political Director for then-Majority Leader Steny Hoyer. He began his career interning with the League of Conservation Voters, Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), and Representative Stephanie Murphy (D-FL). Jacob holds a Bachelor’s degree in Public Policy from Duke University.

