‘Click It Or Ticket’ Seat Belt Campaign Underway In Md.


Maryland has begun a “Click it or Ticket” campaign to enforce and educate motorists about seat belt laws.

According to the Maryland Highway Safety Office, one in three occupants who die in crashes was not buckled up. Maryland law requires every driver and passenger to be wearing a seat belt or an age-appropriate child car seat.

If a passenger older than 16 is found to not be wearing a seat belt, the driver could receive an $83 ticket for each offense.

The Maryland Highway Safety Office provided these statistics:

  • In 2019, 90.3% of Maryland drivers and front-seat passengers wore seat belts when traveling state roadways.
  • In vehicles where the driver is buckled, 93% of passengers buckle up as well. In vehicles with unbuckled drivers, only 40% of passengers buckle up.  ā€‹
  • In Maryland, every driver and passenger must wear a seat belt. Children under the age of 8 must be in an appropriate booster or child safety seat unless they are 4 feet 9 inches or taller. If any passengers older than 16 years old are not wearing a seat belt, the driver can receive an $83 ticket for each offense.