‘Clean Slate’ Initiative Takes Shape In Del.


A ‘clean slate’ campaign is underway in Delaware.

The ACLU of Delaware and other coalitions and advocates are looking to build on a national movement to ‘automate the clearing of criminal records after a period of time.’ They said this would allow people who have served their debt to society to move on with their lives.

According to the ACLU, tens of thousands of Delawareans have arrest or criminal records that are barriers to education, jobs, housing, credit and other basics of living a productive life – without which they are at risk of return to criminal activity or prison.

“Clean Slate policies are popular with stakeholders and community members across both sides of the aisle,” ACLU of Delaware Executive Director Mike Brickner said. “Automatic record sealing is supported by criminal justice reform experts, economic and civil rights activists, policy-makers on both sides of the aisle, justice-involved individuals, crime survivors, business owners, prosecutors and law enforcement leaders. Clean Slate is common-sense legislation that will boost our economy, communities, and justice system. Everyone stands to win with Clean Slate in Delaware.”

“What we’re seeing in Delaware is further indication of a growing nationwide movement that values the opportunity for every American to be able to make a living, take care of their families, and fully participate in their communities,” Managing Director of the national Clean Slate Initiative Sheena Meade said. “At the center of this movement are the very people who have been directly harmed by a system of mass incarceration and perpetual punishment that sets us all back. And we are calling for fundamental change.”
