Claire Snyder-Hall Files to Run for Delaware State House Seat


Claire Snyder-Hall today filed to run for the Delaware State House seat in RD 14, which includes Rehoboth Beach, Dewey, and parts of Lewes. The seat is currently occupied by Rep. Pete Schwartzkopf, who is retiring at the end of the session. Calling the campaign “Claire for Delaware,” Snyder-Hall says she is a pro-choice Democrat here to listen and to serve the people of coastal Delaware. The “Claire for Delaware” campaign will prioritize direct voter contact, and Snyder-Hall plans to knock on doors all over the district. For more information about the campaign, visit

Claire Snyder-Hall

Additional Information about c

Before moving to Rehoboth Beach full-time in 2011, Snyder-Hall was a tenured faculty member at George Mason University, where she taught political science and administered several academic graduate programs.

From 2021 to January 2024, Snyder-Hall served as Executive Director of Common Cause Delaware, a non-partisan statewide organization that works to protect and strengthen democracy. Through her work, Snyder-Hall says she has developed strong connections with legislators and learned how to get things done in the General Assembly.

“I am running for the Delaware State House because 2024 is one of the most important elections of our lifetime,” she says. “This year, choice is on the ballot, democracy is on the ballot, and the American Dream itself is on the ballot, as we face multiple crises in healthcare, education, housing, and the environment that are eroding our prosperity and quality of life.”

This is not the first time Snyder-Hall has run for office. She ran for the Delaware State Senate in 2014 against Ernie Lopez. This time, however, she expects a different outcome. “Ten years ago, I challenged a popular incumbent, but this time it’s an open seat. I wasn’t planning on running at first, but my former supporters kept encouraging me, so I decided to put my hat in the ring.”

Snyder-Hall has already received early endorsements from sitting legislators in both the House and the Senate. “I am proud to endorse Claire Snyder-Hall for State House,” says Sen. Laura Sturgeon. “We are both former teachers, and I know Claire shares my commitment to public education, and her well-proven collaborative skills will be a great asset in Dover. The fact that she would be the first woman to represent RD 14 is icing on the cake.”

Rep. Eric Morrison also endorses Snyder-Hall: “I support Claire because I know she wants to go to Dover to represent everyday Delawareans. She will not be swayed by special interests that do not have at heart the best interests of the people. I also know how dedicated Claire is to making positive change in the community and that she will work hard in Dover.”

The “Claire for Delaware” campaign will prioritize direct voter contact, and Snyder-Hall plans to knock on doors all over the district.

For more information about the campaign, please visit
