Cape Henlopen School District – Another Referendum Still Possible

Image courtesy Cape Henlopen School District

The Cape Henlopen School Board received an update from Director of Operations, Dr. Jason Hale on the Certificate of Necessity – and the district possibly holding another referendum vote in the spring. There are four approved 100% locally funded projects – the natatorium, relocation of the district office, land acquisition and a new bus maintenance facility.

The other consideration is the County-wide reassessment project.

Hale said that it is possible that the natatorium and bus maintenance facility could be removed from the current planning cycle. He says that currently “the district believes it’s functioning with maximum efficiency – maintaining only the essential operations necessary to meet its obligations while prioritizing the educational needs of students. However further reductions would negatively affect student and district success.” 

While no decision was made on holding another referendum in the spring – it is not off the table.  Two referendums were rejected by District voters last March and May. 

