Cape Henlopen Education Association Votes “No Confidence” In Reopening Plan


The Cape Henlopen Education Association’s membership has voted “no confidence” in the Board of Education and the Superintendent’s reopening plan and timetable for the new school year.

Cape Henlopen Education Association President Lacey Brown says in a statement that the union had multiple discussions about the reopening plan which was adopted August 6th. The statement said the CHEA has lost confidence in the Board of Education and the District Superintendent’s abilities to ensure that its members and students can return to a safe and hazard-free environment in the timeline that they have laid out.

Brown also calls many parts of the approved plan “ambiguous,” and that they do not provide consistent standards that would ensure student and teacher safety. The statement also says the statement is in no way an indication that teachers don’t want to return to work. “It is strictly about the CHEA’s belief that the approved plan cannot be safely implemented in the time frame given.”
