Bundicks Branch Flood Risk Map Revised


The Delaware Department of Natural Resources is revising the flood risk map in the area of Bundicks Branch west of Lewes.

According to DNREC, the effort is part of its Division of Watershed Stewardship partnership with the Federal Emergency Management Agency to improve accuracy of flood maps statewide. FEMA flood risk maps are ultimately used for flood insurance purposes and to enforce local codes.

ā€œDNREC and its consultant are performing updated watershed modelling to produce more detailed and accurate flood risk assessments and maps for the Bundicks Branch watershed,ā€ DNREC Shoreline and Waterway Management section administrator Michael Powell said. ā€œThis improved study and map will ultimately be adopted by FEMA to produce updated federal floodplain maps for this watershed.ā€

To review proposed mapping changes for Bundicks Branch, please CLICK HERE. Comments and questions may be submitted online.

For DNREC’s interactive flood planning tool, please CLICK HERE
