BOEM Proposing Additional Offshore Wind Turbines off Ocean City


There will be a public meeting on offshore wind on Tuesday, September 24th at the Roland E. Powell Convention Center. The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) is holding the meeting to present plans for another set of offshore wind turbines that could be as close as 3.5 miles from the Ocean City shoreline. This is in addition to the 114 938-foot tall turbines BOEM has already approved on September 4th that would be just over 10 miles offshore. The meeting on September 24th begins at 5pm at the Roland E. Powell Convention Center. 

Ocean City Mayor Rick Meehan told the Talk of Delmarva that this meeting has been moved from the smaller Dockside Hall to A Hall – look for signs to direct you to the correct meeting hall.  Written public comment will be accepted on the plans for this additional lease area.