Bob Reed Files With DE Department of Elections to Run for 18th District State Senate Seat

Robert “Bob” Reed, who is an active member of the Republican party, has filed with the Delaware Department of Elections to run for office for the State Senate seat in the 18th District. The 18th District includes Milford, Slaughter Beach, Lincoln, Ellendale, Houston, Greenwood, Bridgeville and rural areas of Redden. According to a statement released about his campaign, Bob decided to run for this position because he is concerned with the direction the legislature has taken in the past few years lacking moral values and failure to adhere to the Delaware Constitution. He is also concerned with government agencies who have imposed burdensome regulations on citizens of Sussex County.

Additional Information from the Press Release:

Bob is a fiscal, social and constitutional conservative who plans to make a difference striving to initiate and vote for legislation, which supports the
following platform:

  1. Support legislation, which is consistent with the Delaware Constitution and limit
    government overreach and burdensome regulations such as mandating electric
  2. Initiate and support legislation for funding to improve traffic congestion and road
    repairs in Sussex County.
  3. Improve standards for education to ensure children are proficient in reading, writing
    and math and protect the rights of citizens to choose private and home school
    education for their children.
  4. Ensure citizens have improved access to quality low-cost healthcare by working to
    repeal the existing state regulation for Certificate of Need (CON), which hinders
    healthcare providers from providing new services, which would reduce patient wait
    times and allow a competitive free market to reduce patient cost.
    Bob is a native of Sussex County, a graduate of Greenwood High School. He was raised
    on a small farm west of Greenwood. He is not new to politics and has previously served
    as Sheriff for Sussex County citizens for 8 years.
    After graduating from high school, he enlisted in the US Air Force where he served two
    tours of duty in Viet Nam. He traveled extensively, including war zones such as, Zaire,
    Namibia and Panama. He retired from the Air Force in 1990 as a Flight Engineer.

After leaving the USAF, he sought and received certification in law enforcement at the
Delaware Policy Academy, the Maritime Law Enforcement School in Yorktown, VA, the
National Sheriff’s Institute in Colorado. Bob received certification with the Maryland
police academy at WorWic College, while he was employed as Police Chief in Preston,
Maryland. He was employed as a police officer in Georgetown for over 6 years prior to
seeking election as County Sheriff where he served Sussex County citizens for 8 years.
During Bob’s first six years as Sheriff, he was able to provide a revenue surplus of a
quarter of a million dollars to be paid back to the county’s general fund to offset taxpayer
Community activities past and present include: life membership in the Veterans of
Foreign Wars, where he served as the Commander of the Greenwood VFW Post and
Sussex County District 4. Reed served as the VFW Voice of Democracy Chairman for
Sussex County and later for the State of Delaware. He is a former instructor for Hunter
Safety Classes for Kent and Sussex Counties, a life member of the Amateur Trap Shooting
Association. Reed participated and lead short term mission teams initiating construction
projects, building churches, houses, repaired an orphanage complex in Nicaragua. He
oversaw bible school camps for children, where the word of God was taught. Currently,
Reed and his wife are active church members of Greenwood Mennonite Church
Bob is currently a charter boat captain with a Master Captain certification for a 100-ton
vessel with the US Coast Guard. Bob recently, completed a 7-week course on the
governing document of the Delaware State Constitution. He is the current
Secretary/Treasurer of the Double Fork Tax Ditch.
The Reeds live on a small farm west of Greenwood, where he resides with his wife, Stella
and together they have 6 children and 10 grandchildren.
Campaign contributions are welcome and should be made to:
Friends of Bob Reed for State Senate
Address is: 12249 Blanchard Road, Greenwood, Delaware 19950
Bob may be reached to answer questions or listen to concerns of citizens by calling (302)
542-5852 or (302) 542-0077.
