Berlin offices to reopen with restrictions

With the partial lifting of the State of Emergency established by Governor Larry Hogan, Berlin public offices will begin a partial re-opening to the public on Tuesday, May 26th.

Berlin Mayor Gee Williams announced Town Hall, the Planning Department, and the Berlin Welcome Center will be open for regular business hours with restrictions on the number of people who can be inside at one time and with the requirement that all visitors wear face coverings as recommended by the Maryland Department of Health.

Additionally, signs will be posted asking visitors to consider their overall health before entering. Mayor Williams said that, “In keeping with the guidelines, signs will be posted advising visitors of our restrictions and requirements, including whether they are currently not feeling well, or have not felt well in the preceding weeks, and indicating appropriate distances to maintain from other visitors.”

Town personnel in these offices will also wear face masks when interacting with the public.

The William Street entrance to Town Hall will be closed and all visitors will enter via the parking lot entrance off Bay Street until further notice.

Also continuing for the time being will be the restrictions on public attendance at Mayor and Council and other meetings.

Town Administrator Jeff Fleetwood indicated that, because of the social distancing recommendations still in place and the size of the meeting rooms, “We will continue to restrict attendance to Mayor and Council Meetings, as well as Board and Commission meetings. Meetings will be live streamed via the Town’s Facebook page and questions and comments will be accepted until noon the day of the meeting.”

Additional information on how the public can submit questions or otherwise participate in these meetings is available on the Town’s Facebook page and website at

The Town will also resume regular recycling collection effective on Monday, June 1, 2020. For the time being Stephen Decatur and Henry Parks will remain closed, as well as all public restrooms.
