Auditor Releases Special Report On Del. COVID Dashboard


What are we learning from the Delaware Public Health COVID-19 data dashboard?

Plenty… but there is also room for improvement, according to Delaware State Auditor Kathy McGuiness. Her office has published a special report, Delaware’s COVID-19 Data Dashboard, Opportunities and Successes.

The report makes recommendations that include expansion of COVID-19 data to include all best practices, metrics, key indicators, demographic and geographic information and other data – and factors behind important health-related decisions. It concentrates on Delaware’s initial response in reporting on and controlling the virus, but also acknowledges improvements that have been made over time. In her office’s analysis, the Auditor acknowledges that the pandemic creates an unprecedented challenge in compiling data and making it understandable.

“Ensuring Delaware is making decisions and developing its virus response on sound, quality data is vital to our success in keeping the public safe and spending resources appropriately,” McGuiness said. “This report is meant to commend the state in areas where it’s doing well and shine a light on opportunities for improvement.”

“Our hope is that the state will consider our recommendations to enhance internal controls, communications, and monitoring to improve even further because this fight is not over and no state should have to be an island,” McGuiness added. “Collaboration is key.”
