Are You Saving Enough? Week-long Campaign Focuses On Building Financial Resilience

Delawareans are being encouraged to do a check-up of their personal financial situations during America Saves Week 2022.

Delaware State Treasurer Colleen Davis said the focus this year is “Building Financial Resilience.”

“The last two years have taken a toll on everyone in many different ways, with financial impacts all too common,” Davis said. “Financial resiliency is more than just having access to money, it’s also about being able to face the unexpected events that can impact finances. The loss of a job, health issues, and all-around uncertainty are just a few examples of why we need to build our financial strength.”

During the next five days, information will be shared about saving automatically, saving for the unexpected, saving for retirement, reducing debt, and saving as a family.

More information will be available at the  Delaware’s America Saves webpage (
