Anxiety Levels Across Delaware Have Increased 4% Over 5 Years, Finds Study


Many people are stressed out these days. A Mission for Michael conducted a comprehensive study to analyze anxiety and stress levels over the past five years to determine if Americans are becoming more or less anxious. Utilizing County Health Rankings data, they identified specific counties experiencing significant changes during this period. The study revealed that the average percentage of frequent mental anxiety increased from 12% in 2019 to 17% in 2024 across all counties in America. Looking at Delaware specifically, anxiety levels have increased by 4% since 2019 (less than the national average of 5%). On a regional level, Southern states experienced the highest increase in anxiety, with a rise of 5%. In contrast, the Northeast region showed the lowest increase in mental distress over the five years, with a change of 4.5%, suggesting relatively better mental health stability compared to other regions.

Source:  A Mission for Michael

A Mission for Michael’s Anand Mehta, LMFT San Diego County Executive Director, stated, “The significant increase in anxiety levels calls for immediate action to provide resources and support to those most affected. We must prioritize mental health as a critical component of overall well-being and take proactive measures to mitigate the factors contributing to rising stress and anxiety.”

Rising Anxiety Levels Across America – A Mission For Michael (

Additional Information:

Geographic Concentrations of Anxiety
At a county level, the study found a notable geographic concentration of high anxiety levels in Texas and Louisiana. Texas has the highest number of counties experiencing high stress levels, with 19 counties making the list. Louisiana follows with 11 parishes. Together, Texas and Louisiana counties/parishes represent 75% of all the counties in the top 40.

In Delaware, residents of Kent have experienced the greatest rise in anxiety levels – a 5% increase. On the other hand New Castle has the least rise in anxiety levels at 3%. 
