Partial Closure of Top Level of Circle Ave Parking Garage in Salisbury


Top level of Circle Avenue Parking Garage / Image courtesy City of Salisbury

Half of the top level of the Circle Avenue parking garage is temporarily closed to the public beginning Monday, December 2. Visitors will still be able to park on the other half of the top level – as well as other levels of the garage. This closure, weather permitting, should last about two weeks. Remember – there may be dust and noise during work hours. The closure is part of the ongoing efforts to maintain and reinforce the garage’s structure.

Additional information from the City of Salisbury:

During the work, some parking spots will be inaccessible, however there will still be more than enough spots to handle our current parking load. As a reminder, there may be noise and dust during hours of work, so if you are sensitive to either you may want to take that into consideration.

The maintenance and repair is necessary for the long-term viability of the structure.

We apologize for any inconvenience and will continue to restrict the disruption to the smallest possible areas at a time throughout the project.

Parking in the garage is perfectly safe and if you have any questions or concerns you can contact Parking Enforcement at 410-548-3195.

