Rehoboth Beach Installs Pedestrian Safety Beacons at 3 Intersections in Town


With pedestrian safety at top of mind, the City of Rehoboth Beach has installed flashing beacons at three crosswalks on Rehoboth Avenue. 

These Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB) crosswalk systems are solar-powered and activated by pedestrians who push a button when they want to cross a street. The bright, yellow signage and the flashing lights draw the attention of drivers.  

One of these crosswalk systems was installed at the crosswalk in front of City Hall. The other two were installed toward the circle where Christian Street intersects the Avenue, and where State Street intersects the Avenue. There are no traffic lights at those two intersections.  

“There has been a lot of discussion on how to make Rehoboth Avenue safer for pedestrians,” says Mayor Stan Mills. “Adding these specialized pedestrian crossing warnings where there are no traffic signals and where people are regularly walking across the avenue to get to businesses on the other side greatly enhances pedestrian safety by day or by night.” 

These flashing beacon crosswalk systems have been installed in other areas around Delaware, including along Route 1.   

The City reminds drivers to stop for pedestrians in crosswalks. It also reminds pedestrians to make sure they have eye contact with a driver before going ahead and crossing.  

For more information, please contact the Communications Department at 302-227-6181 ext. 522 or